Saturday, September 17, 2011

Life Cycles

The following story touched me deeply today.  I was already having trouble with Pat Robertson's "ok" to divorce your partner because "they are no longer there" and then I read this and my thoughts went back to my Mom.

In her last years, Mom had Alzhimers.  She reached a point in time where she no longer knew me as I walked through the door.  In her mind,  her daughter was only 4, sometimes younger.  The Mom who made my clothes, cooked my favorite foods, walked me to school, and spanked my little backside was no longer the Mom I knew.

I can never imagine my Dad saying,  "Well,  she doesn't know us so let's just leave her here and go find another wife and Mom."  No,  he stuck by her, doing the best he could and making sure her last years were comfortable, or as comfortable as they could be.

We really are coming into a time where the aged, the sick, the mentally challenged, are forgotten or ignored.  It's scary to think that the time may very well come when these same people are given a shot, or a medication, that will remove them from life completely because they are no longer "useful".   What kind of a life will my beautiful daughter and my wonderful sons have when they become "senior citizens"?  What about those grandchildren that I love so much?  Will they be cast aside like a pair of worn out shoes as they approach what should be their golden years?

Our nation is in a rapid downward spiral and now it seems that one of our "top" religious men is advocating just throwing all those years of marriage down the drain and getting on with life.  I wonder where God was in that decision.  I'm quite sure that HE wasn't consulted.


Anonymous said...

Pat Robertson is a prime example of where our world has gone so wrong. I can't imagine what his family must be thinking.

Anonymous said...

P.S. "Anonymous said" me..Zips

Alyce said...

Hey sis well said. I was very disappionted in his way of thinking.