It's a balmy 28* outdoors this morning. Definitely not in my top 10 favorite temps! It's a beautiful morning though. What leaves are left on the trees are glowing in the morning light and giving their colors everything they have before finally falling to the ground to await the freezing rains and snows that will follow at some point.
I'm not a fan of winter time. I was as a child, because like most children, I seldom paid any attention to the cold. I ran and played and rolled in the snow and just generally enjoyed myself. However, I have never liked Fall. Though it is probably the most beautiful season we have, it also signals death. The death of the summer, no longer am I able to be outside and free. If I am outside, I have to be bundled up and I have to actually wear, gasp, shoes and socks!! UNSPEAKABLE!
However, life is good inside the Pirate's Lair. I have warm jammies, socks, fuzzy house shoes, a fire, and my favorite tour guide is bringing me a cup of coffee. It doesn't get much better than this.
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